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Product details
File Size: 516623 KB
Print Length: 304 pages
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing; Anniversary edition (September 26, 2018)
Publication Date: September 26, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#136,731 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Eliot Coleman is an experienced farmer, eloquent author and probably an extremely hard worker. I have always enjoyed his books, written in an easy to understand conversational style and full of valuable information for me as a ever-learning gardener and garden instructor. Even though this book is written primarily for farming, I have been able to take the information and apply it to my smaller garden beds. Exceptionally informative, shows the reader how to improve the soil with natural ingredients, and that's what it is really all about, the soil!
There is a growing number of people trying to grow their own food, organically. With only a few thousand dollars worth of equipment you can be growing your own food in a small space. There's a few things the book didn't address.Soilblocks are starting to be replaced with winstrip trays which are more efficent. Also there is a new tool called the mutineer which is a single hoe handle with replaceable heads.This book covers a lot of topics covered in The Market Gardener, so there is some overlap however it is excellent information and pretty comprehensive. Mel Bartholomews Square Foot Gardener is a must have book that fills in some gaps. The best free online information from market gardeners on Youtube are Conor Crickmore, Curtis Stone and JM Fortier.
This is the most complete book I have ever read.
Excellent reference guide.
Very informative!
Great book from a pioneering gardner
Every organic gardener should have the book.
Love everything about this book! Eliot Coleman knows his stuff.
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