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Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 12/E (LANGE Basic Science)
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About the Author
Bertram G. Katzung, MD, PhD Professor Emeritus Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA
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Product details
Series: LANGE Basic Science
Paperback: 1248 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 12th edition (January 3, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071764011
ISBN-13: 978-0071764018
Product Dimensions:
8.3 x 1.6 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
122 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#364,326 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I bought this for M2 year of med school. The information in the book is fairly complete, but I will still need to go to Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics to really put burning questions to rest. Also note, hopefully your school has a subscription to Access Medicine for both of these resources.My favorite book for pharm so far is Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 4th Edition (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series). It has 90 percent of the information I need, including new drug classes. It is a little lean on the structures, which Lange covers pretty well. However, I used Illustrated Pharm for all of my antimicrobial information, and hope to use it the rest of M2 year.Also, don't be scared of Goodman, it's a beast of a tomb but that is because it would be like having you own personal professor describe in detail the mechanism of every drug used for treatment. I cant tell you how many times I thought it was leaving me hanging on an explanation, only to find my questions addressed 3-4 sentences later. Well written and complete, but there is just a lot of stuff to learn about every drug!
Completely unreadable without a background in Pharmacology. Goes into more detail than other texts but explains things horribly. Organization makes no sense and it just lists drugs in a completely random illogical way. It's like someone just dumped their vast knowledge of drugs down on paper and called it a day. If you already know everything then this book has tons of information. For those learning Pharmacology, this won't teach you as well as the other resources out there.If you're in medical school steer clear.I prefer Lippincott's Pharm or the purple review book by Katzung (same author but written better although lacking minutiae)For pharm I use picmonics to memorize, Lippincott's to understand, the purple review book to learn more details and quiz myself, Lange flashcards to quiz myself, Kaplan videos are good if all else fails.For time management purposes steer clear of this book if you're in medical school unless you have a solid Pharmacology background
While the cover is very pretty, and there are some good diagrams found within this text, overall, I would have to say that I really do not like this text. There is simply not enough substance, and the layout of the drugs and concepts within the chapters is a nightmare. I also very much dislike it when the editors re-arrange the chapters between editions--which to me is evidence of them having nothing else better to do. Also, some of the errors simply drive me crazy.Find a different primary text... but perhaps use the Katzung review book, I find the multiple choice with explanations, and review points to be very useful. But again, it is simply that, a review book.If you are looking for a good primary reference text, check out Goodman and Gilman, because Katzung is definitely not worth the money.
I own the Goodman & Gilman and Katzung textbooks, but I mostly read out of this one. Let me say, Goodman & Gilman is top notch, if something's not in there, it's probably only on Pubmed, but my god, it's so flipping long. I've barely used it because of that, I wish I could sit down and have a few days to really get into the G&G, but there will never be the time. Katzung is by no means brief, it's a long textbook, this is no pocket companion, but it gets the point across a lot quicker. It's clear, it's current, it has what's important, and a little bit more. For any pharmacology class I'm sure Katzung would be an adequate choice, it has some great diagrams and at the end of the chapters there's tables with drugs and their presentations, and just a little brief overview of all of them (SO USEFUL!).
I have read the first several chapters of this book and I have to say the pictures are very nice, colorful and easy to understand. My complaint about this book is that there are no review questions either before or after each chapter. I like testing myself to see if I captured the take home message of each chapter and sadly this book does not have review questions before/after the chapters. There are a few case studies however; they do add to the content of the select chapters that there are case studies. Overall, the book is fine, if you like review questions like me, then choose another book.
Written by Dr's.. so a bit overwhelming to understand but the illustrations help me with my clas. I also have Lehne Pharmacology book and that one is more user friendly.
Perfect book to go alongside with starting pharmacy school. My only recommendation is to put in the extra money to get a hardcover version rather than the softcover because the softcover version gets beat up very easily and for it to last through 4 years of schooling, it will need to be taken care of very properly
A required book for my medical school. I couldn't connect with it. Pharm for me is best learned with some flashcards and your favorite pathology textbook to make relevant clinical connections. This book feels like its trying to do all that at the same time and it just got confusing for me.
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